Castelnuovo A Volturno
Via Portella, Castelnuovo Al Volturno,Molise, Italia ascents: 5

cisco avatar added by: cisco 9 years ago
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crag Castelnuovo A Volturno Search around

  • Lead Climbing
    with expansion bolt
  • routes 44
    in 3 sectors
  • grades 4/7a+
  • max length 30m
  • gps 41.62, 14.03
  • rock Other
  • beauty 72% on 5 votes
  • safety on 5 votes rock 80% anchor 80%

Castelnuovo al Volturno ai piedi delle Mainarde, nel Parco Nazionale Abruzzo Molise e Lazio, frazione di Rocchetta al Voturno

writed by: ClimBot 9 years ago

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