
This Climb.World site, with registered office in Rome, which can be contacted at info@aClimb.World, as data controller, provides below the information relating to the use of cookies on the site www.Climb.World (of hereinafter referred to as the "Site"). If you browse this website you are authorizing us to use cookies!

Delete the cookies

The consent you have given to store and read first and third party cookies, it can be revoked at any time by setting your browser to disable and / or remove all cookies. By clicking on the links below, you can read how to delete the different types of cookies from different browsers. Please consider that deleting cookies may prevent the site from functioning correctly.
Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text strings that the Site sends to the User's terminal, where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the Site on its next visit. Cookies can be first-party, or affixed directly by the Company, or third-party. Cookies are useful because they allow the Site to recognize the User's device and allow you to navigate between pages, remembering the preferences expressed and improving the Users' browsing experience. In certain cases, some types of cookies can also make sure that the advertisements displayed online are more appropriate to the User or relevant to his interests.

Our cookies

In accordance with the provisions of the Guidelines for cookies and other tracking tools - 10 June 2021, adopted by the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data (Provision no.231 / 2021 published in the Official Gazette no.163 of 9 July 2021) - consent the use of cookies must be provided in a free, express and unambiguous manner. The Site uses different types of cookies for different purposes: technical cookies (necessary cookies), and, possibly, statistical cookies (analytical cookies). Some cookies may be provided by external third parties (eg to integrate additional features to our Site. For this reason, the Site requires the express acceptance of the individual categories of cookies, with the exception of the necessary cookies (technical cookies). . In the event that the User wishes to change their cookie settings, they can always access the "change cookie preferences" section of the footer, where they may also request proof of consent.

Widget and Social Network Buttons

Social buttons may appear on some pages, generally they are "buttons" on the site that depict the most common social network icons (eg. Facebook, YouTube, etc.) their goal is to interact with a "click" directly with the platforms social. The social buttons that may be present on this site are links that refer to the Site accounts on the social networks depicted. Through the use of these buttons, third-party cookies are therefore not installed on the site. In any case, the links are shown where the user can view the privacy information relating to the management of data by the social networks to which the buttons refer:

  • Facebook
  • YouTube

  • Changes and Updates

    This cookie policy is valid from the date indicated at the bottom. The Site may also make changes and / or additions to this cookie policy, also as a consequence of any regulatory changes and / or additions. The changes will be visible in the text of the updated cookie policy on the website page www.Climb.World cookie policy. The last change was made on 08 January 2022.