Sasso Pelo
Strada Centrale di Sotto Ponente, Peglio,Lombardia, Italia ascents: 0

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crag Sasso Pelo Search around

  • Lead Climbing
    with expansion bolt
  • routes 39
    in 5 sectors
  • grades 6a/8b-8b+
  • max length 25m
  • gps 46.16, 9.295
  • rock Other
  • beauty 0% on 0 votes
  • safety on 0 votes rock 0% anchor 0%

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39 routes Click on any fields in the first row of the table to order results as you wish

order? route name grade length sector ascents

Alla ricerca della Ventura

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8b-8b+ - Edera -

Bella Belluno

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7a+ - Paretone -


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8a-8a+ - Paretone -

Calamity jean

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7b-7b+ - Paretone -


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6b - I Pilastri -


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7b+-7c - I Pilastri -


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6a+ - Paretone -

Cattivi pensieri

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8a-8a+ - Edera -

Come in dolomiti

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6a+ - I Pilastri -

Cuori infranti

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7a+ - Paretone -


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6c - Edera -

Due vite sul guardrail

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6a+ - Pelino -

El grillo della rodesia

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6c+ - Paretone -


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7c+ - Paretone -

Femmine in gabbia

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6b - Edera -


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6a+ - Pelino -

Gang bang

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7b+-7c - Edera -

Giovani speranze

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6a+ - Pelino -

Gli occhi di Katia

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7b+-7c - I Pilastri -

Grin corner

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6b - Pelino -

I 38 passi

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8b-8b+ - Edera -

Il mercante dei sogni

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8a-8a+ - Edera -

Il piccolo principe

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7a - I Pilastri -

La pera meccanica

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7b+-7c - Paretone -

La rana e lo scorpione

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7b+-7c - Totem -

Liberty of movement

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6a - Edera -

Lo stillicidio del silenzio

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7b-7b+ - Paretone -


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7a - Totem -


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7c+ - Paretone -


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8b-8b+ - Edera -

pelino plus

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7a+ 25m Pelino -


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8a-8a+ - Edera -

Pericoli oggettivi

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6b - Paretone -

Pistacchi night club

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6c+ - Paretone -


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7b+-7c - Paretone -


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6b - Paretone -

solo i duri hanno due cuori

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7b+-7c - I Pilastri -

Via di Max

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7a - Edera -

Voglia di Pelo

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8a-8a+ - Edera -