Località Malnago, Lecco,Lombardia, Italia ascents: 2

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  • Lead Climbing
    with expansion bolt
  • routes 52
    in 2 sectors
  • grades 5c/8a-8a+
  • max length 27m
  • gps 45.86, 9.438
  • rock Other
  • beauty 60% on 2 votes
  • safety on 2 votes rock 70% anchor 80%

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52 routes Click on any fields in the first row of the table to order results as you wish

order? route name grade length sector ascents

agnese passami la maionese

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6b 18m Placca delle Sorprese -

animal house

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8a-8a+ 22m Strapiombi -

apprendista stregone

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6b 25m Placca delle Sorprese 1


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7c+ 20m Placca delle Sorprese -

atterraggio di emergenza

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6c+ 25m Strapiombi -

avanti o popolo

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7a+ 20m Strapiombi -

avviso ai naviganti

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6a+ 22m Placca delle Sorprese -

cacciatori delle alpi

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7a+ 20m Placca delle Sorprese -

dalai lama

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5c 20m Placca delle Sorprese -

danza verticale

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8a-8a+ 20m Placca delle Sorprese -

dito gomez

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5c 18m Placca delle Sorprese -

do mani sulle vette

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6b 18m Placca delle Sorprese -

equilibri nostalgici

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5c 12m Placca delle Sorprese -

erna al disco

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6b+ 16m Placca delle Sorprese -


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6b 25m Strapiombi -

fieu fe mangim

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6a 27m Placca delle Sorprese -


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6b+ 25m Strapiombi -

gastone passami il sapone

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6a+ 14m Placca delle Sorprese -

governo ladro

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7b-7b+ 25m Placca delle Sorprese -

great escapes

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6a 20m Placca delle Sorprese -

il ritorno di garbaciov

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6a+ 18m Strapiombi -

il san pietrino e il manganello

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7a 25m Strapiombi -


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6c 25m Strapiombi -

la baghet sot ascel

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6c 20m Placca delle Sorprese -

la fata muccona

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6b 25m Placca delle Sorprese -

la gatta morta

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7b-7b+ 25m Placca delle Sorprese -

la gatta pelosa

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6b 16m Placca delle Sorprese -

la placca dentale

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6c 27m Placca delle Sorprese -

la scatola dei ricordi

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6c 27m Placca delle Sorprese -


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6c+ 18m Strapiombi -

lo svaso di notte

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6c 22m Placca delle Sorprese -

lucciole di lago

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6c 22m Placca delle Sorprese -

mia moglie deleritta

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7a 20m Placca delle Sorprese -

nuvola rossa

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6c+ 25m Strapiombi -

o sudor de murador

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6c+ 15m Placca delle Sorprese 1

occhio al pidocchio

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5c 20m Placca delle Sorprese -

oggi mi tengo

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7b+-7c 20m Placca delle Sorprese -


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6c 25m Placca delle Sorprese -

play station

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6b+ 25m Placca delle Sorprese -

presa diretta

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6b+ 25m Placca delle Sorprese -

pugni chiusi

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7b-7b+ 25m Strapiombi -


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6b 25m Strapiombi -

sali e tabacchi

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7b-7b+ 25m Placca delle Sorprese -


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6a+ 25m Strapiombi -

sballo a cesenatico

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6a 16m Placca delle Sorprese -

siamo ribelli

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7b-7b+ 23m Strapiombi -

spit is love

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6c+ 17m Placca delle Sorprese -


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6c 25m Strapiombi -

strategia della tensione

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7b-7b+ 20m Placca delle Sorprese -


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6b+ 25m Strapiombi -

tabula rasa

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7b+-7c 25m Placca delle Sorprese -


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6a+ 22m Placca delle Sorprese -