Corna Rossa
Via San Carlo Borromeo, Valmadrera,Lombardia, Italia ascents: 1

ClimBot avatar added by: ClimBot 45 years ago
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crag Corna Rossa Search around

  • Lead Climbing
    with expansion bolt
  • routes 16
    in one sector
  • grades 5c/7a
  • max length 22m
  • gps 45.84, 9.348
  • rock Other
  • beauty 0% on 1 vote
  • safety on 1 vote rock 0% anchor 0%

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16 routes Click on any fields in the first row of the table to order results as you wish

order? route name grade length sector ascents

Bughi bughi

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6b 20m Le vie -

Burattino senza fili

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7a 22m Le vie -

Ciao crem

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6c 22m Le vie -

Estrema sinistra

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6b 18m Le vie -

Fifty five

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6a+ 22m Le vie -

Giullari di corte

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6a+ 20m Le vie -

Il mambruco

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7a 20m Le vie -

La formica

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6c+ 20m Le vie 1

Lapis moc

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6c+ 18m Le vie -

Sabato grasso

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6b 16m Le vie -

Scacco matto

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6b 16m Le vie -

Super willow

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6c 20m Le vie -


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6c 20m Le vie -

Variante ascari

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6c 20m Le vie -

Via normale

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5c 20m Le vie -

Volpini volanti

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6b+ 20m Le vie -