Buca delle fate
57025 Piombino LI, Italia ascents: 2

Thancard avatar added by: Thancard 4 years ago
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crag Buca delle fate Search around

  • Lead Climbing
    with expansion bolt
  • routes 18
    in 2 sectors
  • grades 3/6c
  • max length 14m
  • gps 42.97, 10.48
  • rock Sandstone
  • beauty 90% on 2 votes
  • safety on 2 votes rock 100% anchor 60%

Dalla spiaggia di Baratti seguire la strada per Populonia e dopo circa 1km dopo aver superato 2 tornanti presenta sulla sinistra un parcheggio sterrato dove lasciare i mezzi e proseguire per il sentiero segnalato in fondo al parcheggio,in 20min di tragitto arrivate sul mare in prossimità della buca delle fate le falesie rimangono sulla destra in basso . La falesia presenta 2 pareti con tiri brevi da 10/13mt

writed by: Thancard 4 years ago

18 routes Click on any fields in the first row of the table to order results as you wish

order? route name grade length sector ascents

Boia de

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6a 14m Parete ovest -

Daisuke jigen

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6a+ 14m Parete Sud -

Estore parati

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6b 12m Parete Sud -

Estrema ratio

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6c 14m Parete Sud -


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6b 14m Parete Sud -

I want you

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6a 14m Parete Sud -

Il grande sforzo

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6a+ 14m Parete ovest -

Io ti vedo

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5b 14m Parete Sud -

La rana

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5c 14m Parete Sud -

Nico robin

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5c 14m Parete Sud -

Ora piede nero buo

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6a 12m Parete Sud -

Per i bimbi

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3 11m Parete ovest 1

Ponce e potta

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6b 14m Parete ovest -

Sul volto

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5c 14m Parete Sud -

Super suino

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6b 14m Parete ovest -

The first

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4 12m Parete Sud 1


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6a 14m Parete ovest -


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5b 14m Parete Sud -