route Arrivederci Gab 7a
crag: Bagnaia (Colle della Rocchetta) sector: sinistro up (N) ascents: 0

asola avatar added by: asola 6 years ago | modified by: asola 6 years ago

route Arrivederci Gab at Bagnaia (Colle della Rocchetta) Back to the Crag

  • Lead Climbing
    on sector: sinistro up (N)
    with expansion bolt
  • address: Via delle Fabbriche, Viterbo, Italia
    gps 42.41 , 12.17
  • grade 7a
  • length 0m
  • beauty 0% on 0 votes
  • safety on 0 votes rock 0% anchor 0%

38 routes Click on any fields in the first row of the table to order results as you wish

order? route name grade length sector ascents

... Condi ..

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5c 12m destro 1

... Lite

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6b 12m destro -


add an ascent
7b+-7c - destro -

Ardito Tombolino

add an ascent
6a+ - destro -

Arrivederci Gab

add an ascent
7a - sinistro up -

Bagnaia Climb

add an ascent
6b+ - centrale -


add an ascent
5a - sinistro up -

Chi cerca trova

add an ascent
6b - destro -

Chissà perchè

add an ascent
6c+ - sinistro up -

Diretta Elena

add an ascent
5c - destro -


add an ascent
7a - destro 1


add an ascent
6a+ 12m destro -


add an ascent
6a+ 12m destro -

Era secco

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5c 12m centrale 2


add an ascent
6b - destro -


add an ascent
6a+ - destro -

Gobba a ponente

add an ascent
5a - destro -

Il Cherubino e il Prof

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6c - destro -

Il ruggito del coniglio

add an ascent
5b - destro -

La fessura dei Proci

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5c 18m centrale 1

Linea verde

add an ascent
6b+ - sinistro up -

Me so scordato

add an ascent
6a+ - sinistro up -

Meco Torso

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7a - centrale -


add an ascent
7b-7b+ - destro -

Niente male

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5a 12m centrale 1

Pura Vida Ermano

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6a+ - centrale -

Puzza de c...

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7b-7b+ - sinistro up -

Re Salamino

add an ascent
6b+ - sinistro up -

Rosa Porcellino

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5c 12m centrale 1

Salisci Dio caro

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5b - destro -

Senza denti

add an ascent
7a - centrale -

Spinga Signora spinga

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6a+ - destro -


add an ascent
6c+ - sinistro up -

Un pensiero per G

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6a+ - centrale -


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6c - centrale 1

Variante Gina

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6b - centrale -

Variante ostica

add an ascent
6c+ - centrale -

Wizard Apprentice

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7c+ - destro -