route Pata-Tina 7b+-7c
crag: Avella sector: Nabirr (-) ascents: 0

Spox avatar added by: Spox 9 years ago

route Pata-Tina at Avella Back to the Crag

  • Lead Climbing
    on sector: Nabirr (-)
    with expansion bolt
  • address: Via Tora, Avella, Italia
    gps 40.97 , 14.61
  • grade 7b+-7c
  • length 45m
    in 2 pitches
  • beauty 0% on 0 votes
  • safety on 0 votes rock 0% anchor 0%
pitch grade length quickdraws
1 6a 15m 11
2 7b+-7c 15m 11

38 routes Click on any fields in the first row of the table to order results as you wish

order? route name grade length sector ascents


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6b+ 25m Crack -

Attenti all'Uccello

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6a 25m Nabirr -

Bugs Bunny

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5a 12m Capo di Ciesco -


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6a 22m Crack -


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6b+ 25m Ciesco della Fata -

Diedro è bello

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6c 30m Nabirr -

Dove Osano le Passere
2 pitches

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7b+-7c 45m Nabirr -

Dove Osano le Quaglie

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6a 18m Capo di Ciesco 1


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7a 20m Crack -

Gioia e Rivoluzione

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6a+ 25m Crack -


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6a 10m Crack -

Iesc allà

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5b 12m Crack -

Il Mistero di Cocarella

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6a 20m Crack -

Il Passero Solitario
2 pitches

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7b+-7c 45m Nabirr -

La Paretina del Pungitopo

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6a 10m Capo di Ciesco -

2 pitches

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5c 47m Crack -

Mi Prude la Cute

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6c 22m Crack -


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6c+ 15m Crack -

N Birr o Bar

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6a 15m Capo di Ciesco -

Non Fa Per Me

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6a+ 15m Ciesco della Fata -

Nu Me Lassà

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5b 18m Capo di Ciesco 1

O' Call rò Trapano

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6b 30m Nabirr -

2 pitches

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7b+-7c 45m Nabirr -


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6b 20m Ciesco della Fata -

Pit Stop

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6a+ 15m Capo di Ciesco -

Primo Spit

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6a 18m Capo di Ciesco 1

Profumo di Mortadella
2 pitches

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7a 45m Nabirr -


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4 10m Capo di Ciesco -


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4 12m Capo di Ciesco -


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4 12m Capo di Ciesco -

Roger Rabbit

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5a 12m Capo di Ciesco 1


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6b 15m Nabirr -

Strigneme Assaje

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6a+ 10m Capo di Ciesco 1


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4 10m Capo di Ciesco -


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6c 15m Crack -

Trapane Thor

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6b+ 25m Nabirr -

Vecchi Ricordi

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6b 15m Ciesco della Fata -

Vongola Verace

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5c 18m Capo di Ciesco 1