route Mio cugino mio cugino 6c+
crag: La Curva sector: Pilastro Nero ascents: 0

Montepaone avatar added by: Montepaone 8 years ago

route Mio cugino mio cugino at La Curva Back to the Crag

  • Lead Climbing
    on sector: Pilastro Nero
    with expansion bolt
  • address: Strada Regionale 578 Salto Cicolana, Rieti, Italia
    gps 42.37 , 12.92
  • grade 6c+
  • length 18m
  • beauty 0% on 0 votes
  • safety on 0 votes rock 0% anchor 0%

39 routes Click on any fields in the first row of the table to order results as you wish

order? route name grade length sector ascents


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6b+ 15m Pilastro Nero -


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6c+ 20m Febbre da Cavallo -

Cianca de merla

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7a+ 20m Pilastro Nero -


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7b+-7c 20m Febbre da Cavallo -

Culo spaziale

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5c 20m Pilastro Nero -


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7b+-7c 17m Pilastro Nero -


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7a 25m Febbre da Cavallo -

E' un magna magna generale

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6a+ 18m Pilastro Nero -

Faccio tutto mi

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7b+-7c 12m Febbre da Cavallo -

Falangi d'acciaio

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8a-8a+ 18m Muro del Pianto -

Giovanni Giovanni 4-1

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6a 18m Pilastro Nero -

Hiroshima mon amour

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7a+ 30m Muro del Pianto -

i cento passi

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7b-7b+ 15m Pilastro Nero -

Il crocevia del tempo

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7b-7b+ 15m Pilastro Nero -

Il Gibbone

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6a 16m Febbre da Cavallo -


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7b-7b+ 15m Pilastro Nero -

La Vipera

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6c+ 18m Fuori Orario -

Lucky strike

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6c 16m Muro del Pianto -


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7b-7b+ 18m Fuori Orario -


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7b-7b+ 20m Febbre da Cavallo -

Memory fun

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7a 22m Febbre da Cavallo -

Milky way

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7a+ 15m Muro del Pianto -

Mio cugino mio cugino

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6c+ 18m Pilastro Nero -

Nato per uccidere

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7a+ 16m Muro del Pianto -

No ipocrisia

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6a+ 28m Febbre da Cavallo -

No violenza

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6a+ 18m Febbre da Cavallo -


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7b-7b+ 20m Febbre da Cavallo -


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8a-8a+ 15m Pilastro Nero -


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7b-7b+ 20m Febbre da Cavallo -

Scirocco caldo

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6c+ 20m Febbre da Cavallo -


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7a+ 18m Fuori Orario -


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5c 12m Febbre da Cavallo -

Subcomandante Marcos

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6a+ 28m Febbre da Cavallo -


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7c+ 18m Muro del Pianto -

Tanto e caldo

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7a 20m Febbre da Cavallo -

Te la do

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6b+ 20m Febbre da Cavallo -

Vedrai che ti vedrai

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6c+ 28m Febbre da Cavallo -

Vento nei capelli

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6b 16m Pilastro Nero -


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7b-7b+ 20m Fuori Orario -