route albero azzurro 6a
crag: Sant'Oreste sector: Il terrazzo (W) ascents: 0

Spox avatar added by: Spox 9 years ago

route albero azzurro at Sant'Oreste Back to the Crag

  • Lead Climbing
    on sector: Il terrazzo (W)
    with expansion bolt
  • address: Unnamed Road, Sant'Oreste, Italia
    gps 42.24 , 12.50
  • grade 6a
  • length 10m
  • beauty 0% on 0 votes
  • safety on 0 votes rock 0% anchor 0%

20 routes Click on any fields in the first row of the table to order results as you wish

order? route name grade length sector ascents

3 nano nero

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5b 10m La parete dellultimo sole -

A bisciocola

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5c 15m La parete dellultimo sole -

albero azzurro

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6a 10m Il terrazzo -


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5c 25m Il giardino -

Blade runner

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6c - Il drago -


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7a - La torre di Mordor -

I sette nani

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5b 18m La parete dellultimo sole -

Il drago

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6a+ 20m Il drago -

Il gabbiano

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5a 10m Il giardino -

La rampa dei tre

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4 10m Il giardino -

La via di mezzo

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6a+ 10m Il terrazzo -

Lo spigolaccio

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5c 25m Il giardino -


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7a+ - La torre di Mordor -

Niente sesso siamo climbers

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6c 10m Il terrazzo -


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7a+ 20m Il drago -

Passaggio a Nw

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7a 18m La parete dellultimo sole -

Pensiero verticale

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5c 10m Il terrazzo -


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5b 25m Il giardino -


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6a 20m Il drago -

Urlando contro il cielo

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6c 18m La parete dellultimo sole -