route Le Mariage 6a+
crag: Lettere Napoli sector: Dente Del Diavolo ascents: 0

Spox avatar added by: Spox 9 years ago

route Le Mariage at Lettere Napoli Back to the Crag

  • Lead Climbing
    on sector: Dente Del Diavolo
    with expansion bolt
  • vertical plate
  • address: Via Maolino, Piazza Roma, Italia
    gps 40.71 , 14.55
  • grade 6a+
  • length 18m
  • beauty 0% on 0 votes
  • safety on 0 votes rock 0% anchor 0%

69 routes Click on any fields in the first row of the table to order results as you wish

order? route name grade length sector ascents

A Ciucciuettola

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6c+ 30m Centrale -

A Livella

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6c 20m Grotta San Benedetto -

A Sagliuta a Sant Anna

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6a+ 15m Grotta San Benedetto -

Amore Sinaptico

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6a 12m Dente Del Diavolo -


add an ascent
6b+ 15m Grotta San Benedetto -


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6b 25m Pilastri -


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5c 25m Pilastri -


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7a 22m Centrale -


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6a+ 15m Dente Del Diavolo -

Cafe Spettacoloso

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5b-5c 25m Dente Del Diavolo -

Cakt Sotto

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5a 10m Centrale -

Carmine Crocco

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7a 35m Centrale -


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6c+ 20m Grotta San Benedetto -

Corvo Pusher

add an ascent
6b 25m Grotta San Benedetto -


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6b+ 20m Dente Del Diavolo -

Direzione Parallela

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5b 10m Pilastri -

due gradi a vista

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6b 20m Pilastri -

Gioia Mia

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7b+-7c 20m Mazzoccola - Settore Antonio Galasso -


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6c 30m Pilastri -

google earth
2 pitches

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6a 25m Centrale -


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6b+ 25m Centrale -

I odio

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6a+ 20m Centrale -

Io Speriamo che me la Cavo
2 pitches

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6c 30m Centrale -

Jay SPast

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6a+ 18m Dente Del Diavolo -

2 pitches

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6a+ 40m Grotta San Benedetto 1

Le Grandi Prime dei Ragni di Lettere

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5c 22m Grotta San Benedetto -

Le Mariage

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6a+ 18m Dente Del Diavolo -

Like a rolling Camion

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6a 15m Grotta San Benedetto 1

Lo Spigolo del Tromboinsetto

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6a+ 15m Grotta San Benedetto -

Minollo's Way

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6b 10m Grotta San Benedetto -


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5a - Mazzoccola - Settore Sinistro e Scuola -

Na Canzone

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7a 18m Centrale -

Napoletani mica Salernitani

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7a+ 15m Mazzoccola - Settore Antonio Galasso -

Napule è

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7a+ 20m Centrale -

Nel Nome del Padre

add an ascent
5c 15m Dente Del Diavolo -


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8a-8a+ 22m Centrale -

Ninco Nanco

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6c 25m Grotta San Benedetto -

Non Farlo Ferruccio

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6b+ 10m Grotta San Benedetto -

O Masaniello

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7a 25m Centrale -

O Panaro

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4 12m Grotta San Benedetto -

O Scupatore

add an ascent
4 12m Grotta San Benedetto -

O Spartacus

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6c 30m Centrale -

O Subb

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6a 35m Pilastri -

O Vesuvius

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7b-7b+ 15m Centrale -

O Viento

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6a+ 22m Grotta San Benedetto -

O Zappatore

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5a 15m Grotta San Benedetto -

Onorevole Trombetta

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7c+ 25m Mazzoccola - Settore Antonio Galasso -

Para Zizz

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6c 15m Dente Del Diavolo -

polpa strillo
2 pitches

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6b 25m Centrale -


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6a 10m Grotta San Benedetto 1

Presa per il Cubo

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6b 18m Grotta San Benedetto -


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6a+ 18m Dente Del Diavolo -


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7b-7b+ 18m Centrale -

Puttane e Spose

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6b 18m Dente Del Diavolo -


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5b - Mazzoccola - Settore Sinistro e Scuola -


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6b 15m Dente Del Diavolo -

Rosa Preta Stella

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7b-7b+ 20m Centrale -

Sangue e Anima

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7a+ 15m Dente Del Diavolo -


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5a 15m Mazzoccola - Settore Sinistro e Scuola -

Ti devo s parlare
2 pitches

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6b 40m Pilastri -


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7a+ 20m Pilastri -

Trullina Cretina

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6b 18m Dente Del Diavolo -

Via Di Fuga

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6a 10m Grotta San Benedetto -

Viento 'e Terra

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7a+ 20m Centrale -

Vire Napule E Ppo Muore

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5c 15m Grotta San Benedetto 1


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7a+ 15m Dente Del Diavolo -

Zappa Ferit

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7a 15m Grotta San Benedetto -

Zappa Perit

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6c+ 15m Grotta San Benedetto -

Zin Zin Zin

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6c 10m Grotta San Benedetto -