route Il Sette Bi 7b-7b+
crag: Gravere sector: Sinistro ascents: 0

Spox avatar added by: Spox 8 years ago

route Il Sette Bi at Gravere Back to the Crag

  • Lead Climbing
    on sector: Sinistro
    with expansion bolt
  • address: Campo Alardo, Gravere, Italia
    gps 45.11 , 7.023
  • grade 7b-7b+
  • length 0m
  • beauty 0% on 0 votes
  • safety on 0 votes rock 0% anchor 0%

25 routes Click on any fields in the first row of the table to order results as you wish

order? route name grade length sector ascents


add an ascent
8a-8a+ - Destro -

Ascendente Orso

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7a - Sinistro -

Bao Bab

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7b-7b+ - Sinistro -

Base Jump

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8b-8b+ - Destro -

Delirium Tremens

add an ascent
7b+-7c - Destro -

Donna Volante

add an ascent
6b+ - Destro -

Due Tiri a Gravere

add an ascent
7a - Destro -


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8a-8a+ - Destro -

Extrema Cura
2 pitches

add an ascent
8c-8c+ - Destro -

Il gran volo del falcone

add an ascent
8a-8a+ - Destro -

Il Mutante in Putrefazione

add an ascent
7c+ - Destro -

Il Ruggito del Coniglio

add an ascent
6c+ - Sinistro -

Il Sette Bi

add an ascent
7b-7b+ - Sinistro -

Il Signor Bendonde

add an ascent
6c - Sinistro -

La Cura
2 pitches

add an ascent
8c-8c+ - Destro -

La trave nellOcchio

add an ascent
7c+ - Sinistro -


add an ascent
6b - Destro -

Los Delirium

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7c+ - Destro -

Mille Folgie

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6a+ - Sinistro -

Oltre Ogni Pensiero

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8b-8b+ - Destro -


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8b - Destro -

Reve de Femme

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7b-7b+ - Destro -

Ultimo Stadio

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7b-7b+ - Destro -

Una Vita per il Cinema

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6c+ - Destro -

Via dellEdera

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7b-7b+ - Sinistro -