Fara San Martino
Strada Provinciale 214, Fara San Martino,Abruzzo, Italia ascents: 3

Gio Pie avatar added by: Gio Pie 7 years ago
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crag Fara San Martino Search around

  • Lead Climbing
    with expansion bolt
  • routes 92
    in 8 sectors
  • grades 4/7b-7b+
  • max length 60m
  • gps 42.09, 14.20
  • rock Limestone
  • beauty 73% on 3 votes
  • safety on 3 votes rock 100% anchor 100%

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92 routes Click on any fields in the first row of the table to order results as you wish

order? route name grade length sector ascents

26 Settembre 2007

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6b - Monastero -

A nord di Topolino

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7a - Chieti -


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6b+ - Dolce Tramonto -

Albero delle pere

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6c+ - Muretto -


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6a+ - Monastero -

Aspettando Godot

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6b+ - Dolce Tramonto -

Aspettando la luna

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6b - Piz de San Martine -

Attacco pericoloso

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6b 18m Gole -

Avanti il prossimo

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7a+ 18m Gole -


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5a - Muretto -


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6b - Monastero -


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6a - Gole -

Boston 2

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6c - Monastero -

Braccio di ferro

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6a+ - Muretto -

Buchi taglienti

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6a+ - Muretto -

Capitan Uncino

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5a - Muretto -

Caro Lucio ti scrivo

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6a+ 25m Piz de San Martine -


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6c+ - Gole -

Chiesetta dell'uliveto

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5a 30m Chiesetta -


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6a - Muretto -


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5a 15m Gole -

Dedicata ai tecnici

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6c+ - Piz de San Martine -

Dietro langolo

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5b - Piz de San Martine -

Dolce tramonto

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6c 15m Dolce Tramonto -

Don Chisciotte

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7a+ 20m Piz de San Martine -

Dove osano i picioni

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6c - Gole -


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6c+ - Gole -


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6c+ - Gole -


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5c - Piz de San Martine -


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6b - Gole -

Grazie Paolo

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6c - Gole -


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5b - Muretto -

I 3 moschettieri

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6b - Gole -

Il boscaiolo

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5c - Piz de San Martine -

Il Custode

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5b 15m Gole -

Il fico

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6a - Gole -

Il gatto

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5c - Piz de San Martine -

Il pensatore

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6c - Chieti -


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5c - Piz de San Martine -


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7a - Venticello -


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6a+ - Piz de San Martine -


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6a 15m Gole 1

Inseguire il vento

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6c - Venticello -


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6b - Muretto -

Ira di San Giovanni

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6b+ - Piz de San Martine -

Je so pazzo

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6b - Dolce Tramonto -

La vie en rose

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6c+ - Gole -

La voce del vento

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6c - Venticello -

La volpe

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5b - Piz de San Martine -

Lancio verso il sole

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6a - Piz de San Martine -

Le gobbe

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6c 15m Dolce Tramonto -


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7b-7b+ - Monastero -


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6a+ - Monastero -


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6a+ - Gole -

Mario Bros

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6c+ - Gole -


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6a+ - Monastero -

Morte e trasfigurazione

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6b - Monastero -

Nuovo passato

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7b-7b+ - Gole -


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6a+ - Muretto -

Peppinuccio per tutti

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6a - Piz de San Martine -

Piazza grande

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6c - Piz de San Martine -


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5c - Muretto -


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5a - Muretto -

Placchetta silenziosa

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6b+ - Piz de San Martine -


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5c - Muretto -

Quando il gioco

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7a - Gole -


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6a - Gole -

Ritorno al passato

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6b+ - Chieti -


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5b - Chiesetta -


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5c - Chieti -

Senza parole

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6b+ - Venticello -


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6c+ - Gole -

Sopra il tetto

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6b+ - Gole -

Specchio selvaggio

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5c - Chiesetta -

Spigolo e Saponetta

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6c+ - Monastero -

Super Mario Bros

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6b - Gole -


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4 - Chieti -


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7b-7b+ - Gole -


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6a+ - Chieti -

Un dito nel vuoto

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6a+ 15m Dolce Tramonto -

Urla nella valle

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6c+ - Muretto -


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6a+ - Monastero -

Venerdì Santo
2 pitches

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5a 60m Chiesetta -


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6b - Venticello -

Via dei pipistrelli

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6b+ - Muretto -

Via lattea

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6b - Piz de San Martine -

Visto da sud

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6b+ - Monastero -

Voci nel silenzio

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6c - Monastero -


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6a+ - Gole -

Wild Wire

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6c - Gole -

Zio Peppe

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5a - Monastero -


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6b - Gole -