boulder area
Calafuria boulder
Strada Statale 1 Via Aurelia, Livorno,Toscana, Italy ascents: 0

falesista avatar added by: falesista 6 years ago
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boulder area Calafuria boulder Search around

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Tutta la costa è un' area boulder di arenaria compatta. Questa costa marina, presenta delle spettacolari rocce molto abrasive, disegnate e multicolori. Molti blocchi sono stati liberati, con grado fino al 7c+, mentre molti altri sono ancora da tracciare e liberare.

writed by: falesista 6 years ago | modified by: cisco 6 years ago

7 rocks Click on any fields in the first row of the table to order results as you wish

rock name grade lines sides sector ascents


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6C+/6C+ 1 1 - 0

2 lato a sides

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5A/5A 4 2 - 0


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6B+/6B+ 2 1 - 0


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5A/5A 1 1 - 0


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6A/6B 2 1 - 0


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5C/5C 1 1 - 0


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4A/5C 3 1 - 0